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blog ini cuma perkongsian hidup saya bermula dari umur saya 10 tahun (2009) sehingga sekarang. tiada perkara-perkara ilmiah di sini melainkan yang ber ilmiah bagi saya

Rabu, Februari 22, 2017


Im never impress my siblings with my unwanted talents.

sbb aku lagi banyak kelemahan dan kebodohan.

My sisters always impressing my famiky, with their knowladge, beutifulness, talents.

My brothers always impressing my family, with their bravier, responsible, hard work.

Me? Never once in my life. Im just a hoe. Im just an unwanted thing that have to trow from your house and your life.

Im not suitable for anyone. Im the disaster. Im a polution. Im never make people impress with me. Not once.

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